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Notes Lock1 (updated-Wed, 08/07/13 21:51 IST)

If you have additional information or changes to make to the History of Canyon Bible Church, please contact the Webmaster via e-mail at Webmastersp@CanyonBible.org.

Canyon Bible Church is looking for a volunteer to maintain the history of Canyon Bible Church.  If you are willing to volunteer, please contact the Webmaster at Webmastersp@CanyonBible.org.

The information on this web page last changed on: Nov 09, 2020

As part of this historical perspective, Canyon Bible Church has put together some pictorial pages of the past activities for Canyon Bible Church, select from the list below.  If you have additional photographs of these or other events, please contact the Webmaster via e-mail at Webmastersp@CanyonBible.org.

Historical Narrative

Bill Butler, a former missionary and missions pastor, had been praying with other believing men regarding the future direction of his life.  His and his wife's mothers had recently died, freeing them to return to the mission field.  Through the prayers of these men, the Lord revealed that Bill should take the experience given him in working with church planters overseas and apply it to planting a church in the East Mountain area east of Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Confirmation came from other church leaders and prayer partners.

In September of 2010, a group of four families began to meet in individual homes in the East Mountains on Wednesday evenings.  Led by Bill Butler, the group decided to meet with the purpose of integrating all members of the family in worship and study of the Bible.  Bill began with teaching about the core values of Christianity.  Soon the group, now made up of eight families, selected the name Canyon Bible Church and the core scripture, Mark 12:30-31a.
"...And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength... You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no other commandment greater than these." (NASB)

Canyon Bible Church began to conduct Saturday evening services in the sanctuary of Mountain Christian Church in Cedar Crest on January 29, 2011.  An evangelical Albuquerque church loaned Canyon Bible Church an elder to help the church get established.  Several reformed evangelical churches in Albuquerque and the East Mountains helped supply needs and funds to get Canyon Bible Church up and running.  The first child dedication was held on February 19, 2011.  The families continued to meet in homes on Wednesday evenings for bible study and fellowship.

A year later, on January 29, 2012, Canyon Bible Church began to meet on Sundays.  The location for services was the Historic Church in the Village of Tijeras.  The first baptism for a member of the church was celebrated on July 4, 2012.  The youth had their first event, geocaching, in August of 2012.  That Fall the Wednesday night home fellowships were replaced with Wednesday study and fellowship at Mountain Christian Church to accommodate the increased numbers.  Growth required another move for Sunday services and the church moved to the Senior Center of Tijeras, NM.  Pastor Bill Butler was ordained there by the men of the church on February 17, 2013.  The women had their first annual fall retreat in September of 2012.

On April 7, 2013 the church moved to the Los Vecinos Community Center in the Village of Tijeras.  The men began meeting monthly for a devotional breakfast in February of 2013.  The women had their first annual women's tea in May of 2013.  Through January 6, 2019, Canyon Bible Church will continue to meet at the Los Vecinos Community Center, .

On January 13, 2019, Canyon Bible Church began meeting at its new facility located at on Old Highway 66 between the Sedillo Exit of I-40 and Mountain View Dr/NM-217.  This new facility is dedicated to the full-time use of Canyon Bible Church, .

We continue to thank the Lord our God for His continued blessings on Canyon Bible Church and its faithful obedience to the Biblical truths.

Canyon Bible Church is also looking for a volunteer to maintain the history of Canyon Bible Church.  If you are willing to volunteer, please contact the Webmaster at Webmastersp@CanyonBible.org.

The Above Text Last Changed on: November 09, 2020 - 00:46 IST [MDT -6h]

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Worship Service
Sunday 10:00 AM
Communion: Weekly

Canyon Bible Church, Inc.
1342 NM 333 • Suite D
Tijeras, NM 87059

(505) 407-1609