Worship Service
Sunday 10:00 AM
Communion: Weekly

Canyon Bible Church, Inc.
1342 NM 333 • Suite D
Tijeras, NM 87059

(505) 407-1609


Canyon Bible Church is an independent, Bible-based church in the East Mountain Community. We began services in December 2010 with the desire to live passionately in accordance with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mark 12:30 & 31 "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength...you shall love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no other commandment greater than these." (ESV)

Canyon Bible Church is a community that practices integrated services.  During the message there is no separation of age groups, therefore, the adults and children worship together.  As a congregation it is known that young children may become distracting and need some time away from the general worship center.  The message is recorded and families can fill in any missed sermons.  However, members have employed simple diversion techniques (drawing, coloring or playing with quiet toys), which are certainly acceptable ways to provide a pleasant environment for all.  As a congregation, we all accept and share in the responsibility of monitoring and helping our children grow to love God.  Worshipping together allows children to observe adults in sincere worship and develops compassion and patience in all members as we help and encourage one another along our journey.

The vision for the Church is to preach, teach, and practice worshiping God in spirit and in truth.  To "worship in truth" means that the essence of true worship is an inner act of the heart treasuring God as infinitely valuable.  Such worship in every phase of life leads to loving God and enjoying Him.  It also leads to delight in being obedient to Him, especially as summarized by Paul in Philippians 2:12-13: "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (NKJV)

In December 2011, Canyon Bible Church was incorporated as a New Mexico non-profit corporation and was determined by the IRS to be exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions to Canyon Bible Church are tax deductible under section 170 of the Code.

We hope that as you explore the Canyon Bible Church web site, you will discover what we as a church family are about.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.  One of the above links will take you to a listing of the Staff of Canyon Bible Church.  Pastor Bill Butler would be happy to meet and discuss your walk with Christ.  He can be reached as follows:

The Above Text Last Changed on: September 24, 2022 - 17:23 IST [MDT -6h]

News (updated-Wed, 11/30/22 02:57 IST)

You can click on the or heading on the right side of most Canyon Bible Church web pages, and load a window with a summary of all the current News and Notes from all the Canyon Bible Church web pages. 

The information on this web page last changed on: Sep 24, 2022.

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